Friday, December 4, 2009

What is the difference between lip gloss and lipstick?

lipgloss has a gloss effect and is more shiny than lipstick.

lipstick is waxy and has a matte effect.What is the difference between lip gloss and lipstick?
lip gloss primarily gives lips a shiny quality and sometimes has subtle color or can be clear while lipstick contains pigments, oils, and waxes to add color to your lips.What is the difference between lip gloss and lipstick?
lipgloss is sparkaly and has a waxy feeling onn the lips and lipstick is not very sparkaly and makes lips look bigger and feels weird lol =]
lip gloss is like shiny sparkley stuff while lipstick is like a color lyk red or pink.. and there are some other weird colors but a.. ya..

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