Sunday, December 13, 2009

Do boys/men/guys like when a girl has lipstick or lip gloss on her lips?

ok, so my best friend said that guys dont like it when girls have lip gloss or lipstick. and am really confused cuz i dont think thats right. What do u think?Do boys/men/guys like when a girl has lipstick or lip gloss on her lips?
Haha, my boyfriend likes to kiss it all off. He sees me with shiny lips and goes ';ooo, gooey lips'; and then proceeds to kiss me till its all gone lol.

In answer to your question though, all guys are different, some will like it, some won't. You can't say that ALL guys hate it, just as you can't say ALL guys like it.

Sorry probably doesn't help much but there it is :)Do boys/men/guys like when a girl has lipstick or lip gloss on her lips?
In my opinion, it really does matter if a girl is well-groomed because it tells people that she cares about her self and that she has time for herself and that she cares about what other people think of her. But too much make up will really ruin a girl's aura and first perception. I really like girls who are well groomed but not too much!
My fiance loves when I wear lipgloss,and loves the way it makes my lips feel so soft when we kis.

However,he isn't quite so thrilled at some of the lipSTICKs that I sometimes wear.He doesn't mind the pink or red ones,but really hates the black lipstick that I love.
Deff lip gloss

It smells good.

Its clear and shiny.

And you don't have to worry about making lip prints all over his face!


Hope i helped your situation!

Both look nice, but they're too messy when it comes to kissing. Lipgloss is meant to look like you have c*m on your mouth, and lipstick just give your lips some color.
My partner does not like it when I wear lip gloss or lipstick as he hates getting on his lips. I like wearing it when we are going out, however I have to remember to only give him 'air kisses'!
guys like lipgloss that smells or tastes good. NOT a sticky gloss or something that will make his lips a color.
I don't really think they care as long as your lips and of course you look good. Just don't but to much lip gloss on... it can get sticky.
I think ur friend is right.... why would a guy care about if your wearing strawberry lip gloss or something? Maybe if your wearing a lip plumper and it's glossy maybe....
lip gloss is better if you're gonna kiss someone. Keep the lipstick light.
i dont think they care either way but i know they dont like kissing when you have the stuff on.
Lip gloss looks slutty.
Good to look at, not so good to kiss with.
It's all good, just not in excess.
lik gloss better but if u wear lipstic not brite red
no. i dont think so.
it might feel weird when they kiss us, so I no I guess. it looks pretty though!
no we don't, u girls look fine without it. :)
we don't mind as long as its not too much
we dont care. i promise.

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