Friday, December 11, 2009

Can you suggest a non-waxy lip gloss or lipstick?

Whenever I wear lip gloss or lipstick, my lips end up feeling waxy, like the wax in the lip color has melted off. It feels really nasty!! Is there a type of lip color that won't make my lips feel this way? I'm also looking for something that will protect my dry lips. I wear chapstick a lot. Thanks!!Can you suggest a non-waxy lip gloss or lipstick?
maybelline new yorkCan you suggest a non-waxy lip gloss or lipstick?
i recommend neutrogena lip glosses, there available in CVS and about $7.00. i prefer this more than the beauty rush things at victoria sectret. the neutrogena gives this cool feeling on your lips kind of like the feeling when you use blistex, its not sticky at all.
Burt's Bees Original. It's the only thing I use. It smells great because it's got peppermint oil in it, so it freshens breath too. But if you're looking for a gloss, I love Covergirl Wetslick Amazemint. It's not sticky and it also has peppermint oil in it, so again it freshens breath. I swear by them both! :D
I love Maybelline New York, or the Victoria Secret Lip Gloss.
nivea kiss of moisture is a chapstick but they also have REALLY good lipglosses!! i suggest u try it,

there sold in walgreens =)

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