Sunday, December 13, 2009

Does lip gloss look/work better when applyed over lipstick?

as opposed to just puting lip gloss?Does lip gloss look/work better when applyed over lipstick?
It depends on what you are wearing.If you are wanting to look pretty/sexy,I think it is better to put it over lipstick.If you are going for the casual/natural sexy look I would wear it by itself.It also depends on how you are feeling that day.Either way looks good though.Hope it helped.Does lip gloss look/work better when applyed over lipstick?
yes it looks brighter
i wear lipstick underneath, pat it with powder on a puff, and then slick on lipgloss...everyday. it's great staying power. and the best lipstick is MAC. and pretty much any gloss is great.

if the gloss comes off, i still have color and don't look like i have nothing on:)
i think that putting lipgloss over lipstick looks a lot better then just lipstick by it self
yes it does! it makes your lips look shinier. oh and you should apply something like car-max first and then your lip stick it makes your lips softer and they won't feel so dry.
i think it looks better if applied on the lipstick....i do it that way keep it minimal u can just apply the gloss though!!!
i think lipgloss looks best when its applied over a nude lipstick..and if you dont wanna spend the money on a nude lipstick just for that very purpose, then substitute concealer for the nude lipstick. it works just the same.

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