Friday, December 4, 2009

Are those lip gloss/lipstick that make your lips plumper perment?

like do your lips get plumper and stay that way forever?Are those lip gloss/lipstick that make your lips plumper perment?
they don't make them permanently plumper. there is no way to make them permanently plumper-even with collagen and restalyne, you still need to keep going back to get it done again and again. best way to make them plumper looking is to wear lip gloss.Are those lip gloss/lipstick that make your lips plumper perment?
no, but if you get the right one then your lips will get plumped, but not forever!
No they are not permanent
No... most of them don't even work to begin with...
NO. Your lips tingle for a little bit, then you'll be reapplying before you know it.

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