Sunday, December 13, 2009

Best way to apply lipstick and lip gloss?

im just starting to use lipstick and lip gloss and want expert advice from teenage girls.Best way to apply lipstick and lip gloss?
STEP 1: Consider your lipstick color and finish. You'll do well with colors that match the natural shade of your lips, opting for darker tones that complement your overall coloring. Matte lipsticks offer a muted finish complementary to workday makeup, while satin and gloss finishes offer appealing evening looks.

STEP 2: Apply all other makeup before putting on lipstick and lip liner.

STEP 3: Begin by dabbing on a very small amount of lip balm or petroleum jelly to give your lips a little moisture.

STEP 4: Draw a thin line along the edge of your lips with a lip liner whose color is one shade darker than your lipstick. Start at the center of the upper lip and work outward. Hug the very outer edges to open up thin lips, and line well within the edges to downplay excessively full lips.

STEP 5: Apply lipstick from the tube or by using a firm, small lipstick brush. Coat the lips evenly. Pay special attention to staying within the lips' edges.

STEP 6: Blot to remove any excess color and to even out the texture.

STEP 7: Remember to touch lips up after a meal, as lipstick easily transfers onto coffee cups, water bottles and soda cans.

Tips %26amp; Warnings

* For longer-lasting lip color, shade both lips with lip liner after defining them. As lipstick fades throughout the day, the liner offers a hint of color before you have a chance to reapply.

* Balance heavy eye makeup with a soft lip color. Wear a rich and boldly colored lipstick to complement soft eye makeup.

* Give the illusion of a thicker top lip by lining its outermost edges and foregoing liner on the bottom lip.

* Chill lip liner for easier sharpening.

* Forego lipstick if you have a cold sore. Opt instead for a camphor-based lip balm to aid in healing.Best way to apply lipstick and lip gloss?
Lip liner, slighter darker then your lipstick, then clear lip gloss, then put on the lipstick and rub your lips together. If you have dark-shaded lips use clear lip gloss then a nude lip liner and shade in your lips, it looks gorgeous. Or if you want to wear coloured lip-glosses, us a lip liner similar to the lip-gloss's colour then shade in you lips with the lip gloss.
light and ... or dark...

not a teen but please don't put on too much
Make sure you get plenty on Andy, try starting with a paint roller.
Apply the lipstick or lip gloss then take a paper towel then put it against your lips and dab the extra lipstick or lip gloss off. So it does not look clumpy.
I'm 13. I would use use a not-so-dramatic color on the lips for starters. Try a suttle pink. Apply to the bottom lip and fub your lips together, and remove what's not on your lips with your finger. Put a dab of lipgloss on the center of your bottom lip and use your finger to spread. Rub lips together. It works great!!
so are you a boy? thats hot. try using black eyeliner too. or if you like crossdressing try and look at their makeup vids advice. but as for lipstick, if your a lighter tone, use a lighter pink, or red shade, butnow they make shaded lip gloss so its only one step, i would say buy a few one in each shade and seewhich u like better, the shaded gloss is so easy to apply and one step and no mess, good luck
I am not a teen anymore,but just remember not to put too much of it on!
When you use lipstick, apply it going up and down. When, you apply lip gloss put it on and then wait 30 seconds. Did you know guys prefer natural looking lips?
Use a Mirror!
why only teenage girls ?
First start with a lip liner that is good with your skin tone. Not too dark!! If you have thin lips line just outside your natural lip line. Then fill in your lips with the liner to primer your lips! (your lipstick wont smear this way) Then add the lipstick you desire. Then add gloss! When you are all finished stick your thumb in your mouth close your lips and pull your thumb out! This will keep lipstick from getting on your teeth!! Need color ideas?? Check out my Virtual makeover!! Just click the link below!!
in the light possibly with th aid of a mirror
I always put chapstick on a couple minutes before I put on my lip gloss. Make sure you don't have any chapped lips. Also, I prefer the lipgloss to be a natural shade.. a little lighter with shimmer in it. You might like to try Wet n Wild's Face illuminator (which I use for cheeks, eyeshadow, and lipgloss).

Oh and after you apply the lipgloss or lipstick, put your finger in your mouth and close your lips around it (like as if you were sucking a lollypop) and pull your finger out so that the extra gloss comes on your finger.
Ok, if your lips are very pale, fist u have to use lip liner in the same color of your lipstick, u can use a pale-medium rose lipstick and liner. The correct way to delineate is to start from the outter corner to the center, first up, the the lower, I recommend you to use the liner coz that will make your gloss stay a little bit more! Once u are delined, use the lisptick in the same way and transparent gloss too!!! With practice u will make it like a pro! And dont use very dark colors, if u have much make up in ur lips, dont make up ur eyes! Hope it works 4 ya!!! And another tip, the lipsticks that lasts 8hrs are not very recommendable!

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