Friday, December 11, 2009

What do you like better lipstick or lip gloss?

i love when a girl has lip gloss on it's , to me , way sexier than lipstick but that's just me what is your opinion ?What do you like better lipstick or lip gloss?
Neither. I prefer Chap Stick. I hate glossy lips. It is so junior high, and I hate artificial color on my lips as well. I just like to keep it simple.What do you like better lipstick or lip gloss?
I like lipgloss, but i hate sticky ones! nothing's more sexy then when the wind blows and your hair gets stuck to your lips, and drags the gloss all over your face. %26gt;_%26gt;;

I've got my top lipstick pics, but I'm still sticking with lipgloss. NARS has really nice ones...
lip gloss

but i hardly ever wear it

i usually wear chapstick =)
Lip gloss, its way glossier plus the kind i have stays on for atleast 1 hour. =]
lipgloss i only wear lipstick to formal occassions or whenever i get dressed up
Lip gloss. It tastes and smells better.
Lip Gloss :D
Lip gloss.=]
Lip Gloss is better :-)
Lip gloss!
Lip stick

Lip gloss is too sticky.
Lip Balm. Makes my lips soft, but I don't want to lick it off.
I wear Lip Gloss, don't care for lip stick too much...
Lip gloss, fo sho.

Lipstick is so 80s.
lip gloss/chapstick
lip gloss
lip gloss
....ummm....chapstick??? That counts, right.....?

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