Sunday, December 13, 2009

Ladies, do you perfer lip gloss or lipstick?

I perfer lipgloss.Ladies, do you perfer lip gloss or lipstick?
lip GLOSSLadies, do you perfer lip gloss or lipstick?
I prefer lipstick - lasts longer and gives more protection.
I love both, but probably use lipgloss more.
I prefer lipstick but i also prefer it as a base for lipgloss, it gives a more pouty look and stays on longer

w/lipstick it tends to get on my teeth as while as dry my lips out

and not to mention most lipgloss tastes better
lip gloss is better. it protects the lips. some lipsticks make the lips dry.
i like matte lipstick in a mauve color for daytime, then at night i like really shiny nude lips with sultry smokey eyes
i perfer lipgloss. lipstick feels too chalky on my lips lipgloss has that smooth feel and it shines more.
different things for different days...

lipstick for times when i am more dressed up, or at night

lipgloss during the weekdays....
LIPGLOSS all the way!!!
Shiny lipstick. Lip gloss is tto sticky for me and it does not last long-
both! actually depends which brand for me.
lip gloss
I have to say that for many years I was a lipstick lover. Ever since I tried Mac lipglasses and Stila lipglosses, I have turned into a lipgloss junkie. I still like to wear lipsticks once in a while but I love my lipglosses.
Lip gloss, definitely worth the little extra effort.
I'm not really big on lip gloss. If I must I get clear or very light pink.

Lipstick is ok. I usually get nude or peachy pink.

I mostly prefer lip balm. My lips look so much healthier and kissable.
Lip gloss :]
why don';t you ask Lil Mama. She'll give you the answer!!!!

well... i prefer lip gloss but sometimes... some brands... can be really oily and dont feel that good on your lips... i dont wear lip stick... im only 13 lol %26lt;:o)
Depends on my mood.

But i definitely almost always wear lipgloss, the way i smile, i get lipstick on my teeth alot.
it really depends, lipstick for glamourous events with lipgloss on top, but to go out, just lip gloss would be good!
lipgloss is nice....although lipstick is nice too...

but i would choose neither cause it's sticky and i already like the natural color of my lips..:)

chapstick/petroleum would do for me...:)
Definitely lip gloss because it makes your lips look more lucious and sexy!!!
Lip Gloss.
a quality lip gloss. cheaper and better looking than a quality lipstick. lipstick always looks dry and chunky if you will
Lipstick with a touch of gloss
lipgloss =)
vaseline with aloe vera.

dont know what thats classed as :)
none.chap stick
Lip Gloss :D I buy a different lip gloss every week.. i think iv spent on thousands on lip gloss so far!

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