Sunday, December 13, 2009

What type of lip gloss/lipstick can I wear?

I'm black. Don't mind the yahoo profile picture. My shade is a bit darker (sunspots). What kind of lip stick or gloss can I wear without looking stupid. I would also like to wear red lipstick, which shade is better for my skin color?

If possible, go to and pick out some good products or you can name a couple you use yourself.What type of lip gloss/lipstick can I wear?
hey definitely can! Just not a burgundy or deep red, as those darker colors will blend in with their skin tone. You are lucky because your deeper skin tone lets you pull off bright reds and corals. Fair skinned women can't pull those off as well.


You are a young, attractive woman and if you like wearing red lipstick, then wear it. I know there are people out there that just don't get it. When you FEEL like you look good, other people will notice. If you look confident and not self-conscious, people will pick up on that. Nothing is more sexy than a woman who knows herself and loves herself just as she is. Guys never know what that ';thing'; is that make a woman attractive (well, outside of anatomy..), and it's when a woman is comfortable with herself and not ';needy';. Men just love the chase. And no ';quarry'; is more attractive than a woman who doesn't need anyone else to tell her what she needs. She's already got it.

Go for it.


Personally, I can't wear red lipstick and get away with it. I've always used muted tones and so when I see myself wearing darker makeup (like heavy eyeshadow or blush) I don't feel like ';myself';. If you feel like ';yourself'; in red lipstick, that is who you are and don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

Out of curiosity I looked at that site. It's a bunch of junk. Just people feeding off one man's opinion and turning it into a hate fest. You don't need that.

Anyone who has bigoted opinions is not someone you want to be around, whether they think they have the right to make those comments or not.What type of lip gloss/lipstick can I wear?
dark red would compliment you nicely. Also, make sure you buy your lip products from covergirl, its the best

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