Friday, December 11, 2009

Would you rather use lipstick or lip gloss?

I am trying to make up my mind but i don't know which one works for me. Which would you choose?Would you rather use lipstick or lip gloss?
I like to wear a nice tinted lipgloss during the day for a more natural look but then when im going out at night then because im wearing that bit more makeup i put on a coat of lipstick with a brush because it stays on longer and then either a clear lipgloss or a tinted lipgloss similare to the lipstick colour to give my lips more shine!!Would you rather use lipstick or lip gloss?
Use both, I use a gloss sometimes over the lipstick to add a little glossy shine. Someimes Just one at a time, depending on whatever mood I happen to be in.
gloss is more for teens, but women use mostly lipstick.
Lip gloss.Co'z it makes your lips plumper.
depends on the color of both. I use both of them sometimes just to make the lipstick have a shiny finish especially for night parties.
lip gloss
Lipstick. I don't like lip gloss, because it's so sticky.
That depends on who u are and how u live: If u work in a serious company or if u need to wear a costume, more official clothers u should better choose lip stick.

Lip gloss is more suitable when u are enjoying ur freetime activities: clubs, bars, going out with friends, etc.

Despite what is said , during great celebrationsu may try to put a bit of lipgloss on u rlips when they are already coloured by lipstick.

No matter what u decide, avoid cheap ones and the ones with blue/green/orange(or whatever) peacesof spangle!
gloss, always works!
lip gloss... lip stick is just too much! especially if your just going out with some friends... for parties i might wear lip stick sometimes but the lip gloss is a must have over the lipstick...

my opinion lip gloss looks better than lip stick as long as you don't have a lot on...
a lip gloss looks more neat than a lipstick
lip gloss.. never leave home without it..
lipgloss. lipstick to me is too heavy and i hate the way if feels on my lips.
i use lip liner on the whole lip then vaseline instead of gloss. conditions your lips and looks lovely
You should use them according to what look you want. Lip gloss is better to use in the morning or in informal meetings. Lipstick is more formal.

You can even use both of them for glamour appearances.
lip gloss it gos on easy
Definitely gloss. You hardly have to worry about smudges/uneven tone, unlike lipsticks. Gloss also moisturizes your lips(I find that it does) better than most lipsticks, which turns lips dry and cakey after a long while. Gloss is also recommended for evening out dry, chapped up lips and turning them into a plump pout. Good luck!
I personally prefer lip gloss.
Gloss, it is actually addicting. I must put in on 40 times a day and I have about 20 different colors! My favorite makeup item!
Lip gloss ALL DAY!!!!!
use lip gloss much more sexy
lip gloss
does it really matter guys all want the same thing if u wear makeup or not
I usually use lipstick. But I put a dab of lip gloss on the top if my lips are dry. Depends on the weather.
Lip Gloss.....
Lipgloss if it's not a sticky lipgloss. Because the aircon at work dries out my lips, I can't wear lipstick as it flakes. I use Bonne Bell chapstick.
when you go out or want a dramatic look use lipstick when you are casual wear lip gloss
I prefer lip gloss because it's so lightweight, but I do tend to use both lipstick and gloss together because of the look that it gives.
Lipstick, it stays on for longer!
Lip stick lasts longer and lipgloss can give you the runs.

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