Sunday, December 13, 2009

Is cheap lip gloss and lipstick safe? Or do you think they have more chemicals?

I think cheap lip gloss is safe because they dont put much chemicals as the expensive ones.The expensive ones today have all the fancy stuff so it stays on the lips longer so they have to be more ingredients in tyhe expensive onesIs cheap lip gloss and lipstick safe? Or do you think they have more chemicals?
Its cheaper ones are better than the more expensive ones as they don't have as many chemicals in themIs cheap lip gloss and lipstick safe? Or do you think they have more chemicals?
yes they are safe
of course, that is the most insane thing i've ever heard
oh it's safe i'm sure. i sell both mary kay and avon. avon lipsticks and glosses are NOT expensive and it lasts sooo much longer than the cheap wal mart brand! if you wanna chit chat about what colors would be best for you drop me and emil or go to the websites
lipgloss are all the same so i'd suggest you don't invest on them but with lipstick, you might wanna spend a little more for those colors... :) i hope that helps...
no its all the same. its just the brands that have more popularity then others have higher prices
they are just as good as the pricey brand, i would suggest buying NYC, it ranges from .99-2.99.

It comes in a variety of colors as well as products

lip liner,. lipstick, chap stick, lip gloss etc...

its really good and lasts a while.
I understand what you mean they are safe but the perfumed ones sting my throat.


Well more expesive can be chemically.

But i guess if you paid a bomd for like organic lippy its even safer but who cares.

Just get any doll
well...because it is cheap, its made with ingredients that can dry your lips out. Not sure about safety issue because all cosmetics are ';safe'; now a days..Also, it doesn't stay on for as long so you would have to reapplicate often...XD
itsss finee
as to the matter of safety, lipgloss is safer than lipstick as lipstick has more chemical than lipgloss. also just a heads up with vaseline on your lips, as hen you've used it for a continuos time it slowly fades your natural lip colour

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