Friday, December 4, 2009

Can wearing lipstick, lip gloss or balm spoil lips to dark colour?Does it depend on any skin type or body type

Can cosmetics be harmful to my skin at the age of 17? I want to start using make up, what care I have to take?Can wearing lipstick, lip gloss or balm spoil lips to dark colour?Does it depend on any skin type or body type
Yes, if ur not careful. I think 17 can hav powder, lipgloss/balm. U have 2 use cosmetics with vitamins like avon, 4 starters like u. And as I always say, a gud skin can never beat any make-up. So, keep ur skin clean, fresh and diet can help (not diet 4 slimming, I mean the right food 2 eat like fruits %26amp; veggies). Have a gud cleansing cream, toner %26amp; moisturizer. Know ur skin type first, it will help u pick the right products. Hope i helped u. If u have more questions, kalvarez12@yahoo.comCan wearing lipstick, lip gloss or balm spoil lips to dark colour?Does it depend on any skin type or body type
yes.. if the cosmetics are fake it may darken your lips or roughtens your skin. make sure in choosing cosmetics that its manufacturer is registered and well known in the industry and dermatology tested... and when you are already putting make up, make sure you cares your skin, use products that will nourish your skin even you are putting a make up to make sure you that you will not get irritatated with the chemicals of the cosmetics and to preserve your youthful skin.. :)
Did you know, in her lifetime a woman ingests upto 4 pounds of lipstick! That's huge, and I think that we should all know a little more about Lipstick and gloss before we use them. Here's a good place to start --…
It's said that petroleum jelly, or Vaseline, makes your lips discoloured. Not sure, though.

And some cosmetics have colours or fragrances that are harmful. I think you should just be careful not to use too much make up, it will ruin your skin. Keep it simple.

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